Hairless Care and Keeping Guide:
For Happy Hairless Dogs
The “Hairless Care and Keeping” guide seeks to help hairless dog owners learn how to take better care of their special-breed dog. We recommend related products that are helpful for the issues we write about for your convenience. All products are sold through We don’t sell anything on this website.
Care and Keeping Guide for Hairless Dogs Introduction
There’s a lot of misinformation about the care of hairless dogs, mostly written by people who don’t actually own a hairless. This website is written from the perspective of an experienced owner/foster who has helped many hairless dogs. These are my practical real-life observations, but I need to stress that every pooch is different. The routine you develop for your pet should be tailored for your specific pet. You will need to make observations about your dog’s skin and temperament and build a care routine that works for him/her. The Care and Keeping Guide for Hairless Dogs concentrates on issues unique to hairless dogs and the ways that differs from a hairy dog’s care.
Many people choose a hairless dog believing it “will be easier to care for because grooming fur is a hassle”. While there is truth to this statement, hairless dogs still require routine care. Instead of washing, combing and brushing fur, the hairless has skin that is like humans’ which requires diligent maintenance to keep it healthy and comfortable.
Our goal is to help hairless dog owners, and potential owners, understand what it really takes to care for these special pets.