Hairless Care and Keeping Guide:
For Happy Hairless Dogs

The “Hairless Care and Keeping” guide seeks to help hairless dog owners learn how to take better care of their special-breed dog. We recommend related products that are helpful for the issues we write about for your convenience. All products are sold through We don’t sell anything on this website.

Acne Treatment and Prevention in Hairless Dogs

Acne in hairless dogs works the same way that it does in humans and shouldn’t be confused with “dog acne” found in hairy breeds which is not the same condition.  In hairless dogs, whose skin is not protected by fur, dirt gets trapped on the skin, sometimes caught in a layer of oil.  This in turn leads to clogged pores, which are enlarged in some hairless breeds.  Pimples and blackheads erupt on the skin.  If not treated properly, a bacterial infection develops. 

When hairless dogs have acne and breakout conditions the main treatment is to keep the dog’s skin clean. Bathe twice a week for dogs that don’t have a lot of outdoors time, but more frequently for those who spend enough time outdoors to get dirty or dusty.  Dirt on the skin is a problem for these pets, and the dog’s acne and skin issues will get worse without bathing.  If your dog with skin problems gets dirty, try to give him/her a wash the same day and avoid allowing dirt to remain on the skin overnight.

As with humans, sleeping in a dirty bed makes skin issues worse. Dirt trapped in bedding is in contact with your pet’s skin whenever he/she is in bed.  Since dogs sleep a lot, that adds up to a lot more time in contact with dirty bedding than a human normally has.  Keep pet bedding and blankets clean, washing at least once a week for skin-stressed dogs.  I like to keep extra clean bedding around in case one of my dogs gets its bed dirty and I don’t have time to do laundry.

Covering your dog with dog pajamas or other clothing reduces the amount of dirt that comes in direct contact with the skin.  The clothes must be clean to be helpful though, because as with bedding, dirty clothes are bad for skin conditions. If your pet is currently experiencing skin issues, change their clothes every day.

Takeaway: Diligently keep acne-prone hairless dogs clean.  Wash bedding weekly and change the dog’s clothes daily.

Next up: Sun Protection for Hairless Dogs

Related Articles: The Skinny on Hairless Dog Skin Types, Bath Time for Hairless Dogs

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